Meet our team

Meet our winemaker
Pamela Adkins
“Passionate Renaissance Woman” would best describe Pam and her love of good friends, wine and warm gatherings that celebrate life and good works. Literally – want anything done? Pam’s your gal! Before getting into the wine business almost 30 years ago…Pam dabbled in several different career areas from teaching to managing health clinics…but is clear that her head, heart and hands are at their best when making Adrice Wines. A Syrah woman through and through…Pam loves to experiment in her winemaking practices which she learned over the years from top West coast winemakers from California, Oregon and Washington. Preferring to let the grape stand on its own and speak for itself, Pam more often than not produces luscious, single-varietal wines…and her winemaking practices bring out the true character of the grape. Pam brings her experience and intuition to the winemaking process – crafting wines with patience and passion. Since her first vintage in 2012, Pam has been refining her skills and is humbled to already be an award-winning winemaker recognized internationally with over 90 awards for her wines in quite notable International wine competitions. Not one to shy away from working with difficult varietals – Pam flourishes in making small-lot wines with more uncommon grapes. Montepulciano??...only in Italy. Primativo??? Dolcetto???...what’s that? And yet our customers and wine club members swoon over her wines
What separates Pam from her peers? Our wine club members and guests tell us that every single one of Pam’s wines are distinctive – there’s not a bad one in the lot! Each varietal has its own individual flavor profile – and her wine’s don’t all run together and taste the same. She loves to experiment – from natural fermentation practices, to unusual barreling and blending rituals. We’re committed that each bottle of Adrice Wines will surprise and delight you!
No dog will ever be able to replace Pam's "Dexter the Winery Dog". Dex was Pam's closest companion for 19 years - and even though he's crossed the rainbow bridge - you can see him memorialized on the label of our DEXTÉité French Malbec - as well as tattooed on Pam's forearm wearing that awesome red French barrette!
But Adrice Wines is now finally welcoming our NEW WINERY DOG - DEKKER! Dekker is a slightly larger breed of a Rat Terrier (known as Dekker Terrier)...and is he going to be a LOVE and a handful! You'll typically see him at the winery on various weekday afternoons after winemaker Pam picks him up from Doggy Daycare!